Measuring and Monitoring Greenhouse Gas emissions at DAERA

Carbon Footprint and Decarbonisation Planning 


 Jenna Barnard

GHG Baseline Footprint, Carbon Management, Building Decarbonisation

Client: The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)







Sunset over a calm ocean with rocky coastline, reflecting soft golden light on the water surface. Beautiful seascape capturing nature's tranquility.

The Brief

Our sister company, District Eating were contracted by DAERA to provide three work packages: 

  • A carbon baseline report summarising scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over a 4-year period for its built estate 
  • A methodology for the ongoing measuring and monitoring of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. 
  • A detailed decarbonisation plan for a pilot site.




Building decarbonisation in the UK



  • Showcase DAERA's commitment to environmental stewardship. 
  • Empower DAERA with data-driven insights for informed decision-making. 
  • Analyse four years of data to establish a robust carbon baseline.  
  • Develop a tailored reporting tool for ongoing carbon emission monitoring. 
  • Provide training on carbon management, ensuring key staff at DAERA are equipped with the knowledge necessary to implement carbon management and reduction. 
  • Identify potential energy, carbon and cost savings across the estate, and quantify potential savings to help DAERA prioritise their actions and get the best value for money. 


  • DAERA is a large and complex organisation with a vast estate comprising buildings over a wide geographical region, with diverse operations. District Eating supported DAERA in adapting their existing data collection and management systems into a comprehensive GHG measuring and monitoring system. Integrating the methodology into their existing systems ensured successful uptake.  





A comprehensive carbon baseline report analysing CO2e emissions and associated costs over a 4-year period. 


A customised reporting tool designed to facilitate ongoing monitoring and reporting of carbon emissions. This tool will be a valuable asset for DAERA in tracking progress and making informed decisions to further reduce environmental impact in the years to come. 


A detailed carbon management plan for one of DAERA's sites. The plan identifies specific opportunities for energy reduction, carbon savings, and cost savings, providing a roadmap for decarbonisation and sustainable resource use at the site. The insights gained from this have far-reaching implications, as recommendations extend across DAERA's entire estate. 


The project was completed on time and within budget, meeting the client's expectations. 





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